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Tips and Tricks for Survey Apps

If you are reading this, you are either looking to learn more about survey apps or already use them and want to learn some tips and tricks.  If this is the case, then we hope the following information will help you make some money and save you some time. 

Firstly, we would like to add that these tips and tricks will not get you blocked for cheating, instead, the intention is for you to learn how survey apps work and then use this knowledge to your advantage. So let's learn how to make some money.

1. Choose surveys wisely

So before we go into details, let's first discuss how survey apps work.  In general, the top survey apps like Golden Surveys connect with thousands of researchers who are looking for people like you to answer their surveys to collect insights.  Each time you complete a survey, the survey app earns a commission which is then split between you and the app.  The percentage the app keeps is then used to cover costs of running a business such as salaries and marketing. 

With that said, it is in the app’s best interest to deliver its users surveys that pay well and that also have a high probability of survey completion.  To do this, apps go through the thousands available and choose the best ones, this is done using sophisticated algorithms. 

No how do you as a user select the best surveys?  For Golden Surveys for example, the surveys are best from top to bottom.  So, for example, the first survey will be the best and the last is the worst.  This is calculated by payout per minute, probability of completion, and the quality of the researcher.

In addition, apps don’t like to bother users when there isn’t something important, same goes with survey apps.  When you get a notification from Golden Surveys, this means that the survey has a great fit based on your profile.  If you have time at that moment, it would be highly recommended to attempt the survey since you aren’t the only one getting offered that survey and it could disappear before you get to it.

2.  Don’t try to game the system

Let's be honest, it is very tempting to try and take advantage of survey apps.  Especially when we try to guess what the researcher wants to hear when we answer the surveys, or by doing surveys fast without really reading the questions.  Even though it is tempting, it will not work and you will just end up getting banned and have wasted your time.

Survey apps use technology to prevent fraud and identify users who are trying to cheat.  One might ask who cares, well, the lower quality survey completions an app sends to the researchers, the lower quality surveys the app will get in the future.  For Golden Surveys our goal is to make sure our community earns the most money possible, and this can only be done by getting the best surveys.  So security is a huge aspect of our app. 

The best approach is to be truthful and honest, over time you will get surveys that are right for you and you will not get banned from the system.  It might sound like a boring approach, but it is the only approach that will work.  

3.  Choose apps that pay well and more importantly, allow you to complete surveys!

There are hundreds of survey apps on the app store, so selecting the best one can be a bit difficult.  Our advice is to try out different ones, but note that the top survey apps don’t always mean the best survey app. 

The industry average is a 22% completion rate and $0.24 per survey completion.  That is taking the top 30 apps into consideration.  So let's be transparent about Golden Surveys, currently, our average survey completion rate is 31% and we pay on average $0.38 per survey completion.  We are always improving, so we hope to increase the payout further in the future.

So in conclusion, taking surveys is like the story of the Turtle vs. the Hare, slow and steady completes the surveys and earns you the money, while fast and many wastes your time or worst, can get you banned.


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